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Sending equipment to service


New Member
First of all, Hello to everybody.I'm new to this forum.

I 've a problem whit my hd3, black spot on sensor so i need to send it to service.I find this nervy,so how was your expirience in those case.


Welcome to this forum!

You should have your camera serviced by Hasselblad. You can give it to the Hasselblad representative in your country and it will be forwarded to Hasselblad in Sweden (if you live in the US, maybe it would be serviced by Hasselblad USA).

Regarding your description, it looks like dead pixels. So, I am not sure if this can be fixed other than exchanging the sensor! You can check some repair tips on Hasselblad website but for France. Anyway, you could have some estimations about the fees depending on the service. Check on the website related to your country to find out the specific instructions.éparation.aspx

I only have an experience with a service on a 203FE body. It was sent to Hasselblad Sweden through the Hasselblad representative in my country. It was perfectly fixed and had even another issue fixed. It took some time (expect 4 weeks at least) and money but it definitely gave a second youth to my camera!

Hope this will help you.
Thanks Thomas,

i'm posting the portion of the sensor whit the problem.

it looks more like dirt imo.
what do you think?


  • portion.jpg
    34.6 KB · Views: 18
Hi Anto,

I must say it is hard to make an assessment based on this low res jpeg.
Have you cleaned the IR filter? Can you determine if this on top of the IR or beneath it?

If you let me know what country you are in, i will direct you to one of Hasselblad's subsidiaries or partners.

Paul Claesson
Hasselblad Bron Inc.
hi Paul,

i cleaned the sensor , but the marks didn't came away, so in my opinion they shoul be under the glass.
I live in Italy and since i'm planning a trip next fall, i would like to send the camera to service when i'll be back.Fungus?