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Returning Hasselblad user - Los Angeles

Chris Ross Leong

New Member

Chris Ross Leong here, returning to the 500 series fold after many decades away!

Started in old school fashion in London in the late 1970's when Rollei TLRs were kings and beauty headshots were mostly 500C/M or EL/Ms with 150 Sonnars and NC2s.

Moved on to film (still make my living with that) and sold my Hassys but but retained an old Rollei TLR and my Nikons throughout (still use my F3HP and, later, my DCS760 with the same lenses), but since I've started making my own feature films (not alone, of course, and for money, which makes a change) I'm back to shooting for poster-sized prints and recently bought a Hass set again (500 C/M, EL/M, 80 and 150).

I'll post as soon as the NDA's and other legalities have been finalized, but it really says something about the quality of the cameras that I've been away for over 30 years, and the cameras have been CLAd probably just a few times, and we've both been able to pick up more or less where we left off.

Using a local lab service for the processing and have an old Epson 2450 scanner at the moment, but will look around this forum pretty soon to up the ante as far as a scanner goes.

Just FYI, thanks to friends in the photo business I think I was able to kit up at between a third and half of the cost of 30 years ago. I know, digital, no 220, yadda yadda. But you should see the pictures - and you will!

Have a great day
Welcome here Chris,

You are not the first lost soul to return to Hasselblad V series cameras and probably not the last either.
Welcome back on familiar ground.

If you need a hand with later gear like lenses just drop the question in the V section of the forum.

hey hey welcome.

Film is like a Classic LP or record. It may lack the tech savvy of the latest recording media ... but nothing beats the sound of classic rock on the old turntable.

Welcome Back
Thanks, gentle folk!

Actually there is a reason why I do prefer film these days: it's the discipline of it as against the pray and spray snapshot mentality of digital. My main fields of work have always been highly controlled/stylized - studio fashion, scripted drama in film making, and very little documentary or reportage style shooting, but even my original bosses and mentors, including Magnum photographer Brian Brake in particular, would have us climbing a mountain to get that perfect sunrise over a certain view - and waiting - and waiting - and climbing back down again if the lighting weren't exactly so...
and climbing back up (I seem to remember five very dark and chilly mornings)
and then...
the one perfect sunrise - the camera set up. And click. Done.
And I'd look at him and say - what, all this climbing and just one shot?
And he glared back at me and shot one more (of course, missing the moment entirely, just for my benefit - I was this smartass teenager apprentice, naturally)

And all of this on a Leicaflex SL2 with a 17mm Elmarit.

Yes, he shot 35mm with large format discipline.
Taught me a thing or two.

And so it is with countless teachers and mentors, and Hasselblad/nc2/150 and the headshot.

For me it's not the machines themselves - I have a D90 which will take great headshots, or anything else - it's the memories, disciplines, and mostly the recalling of honed instincts that the Blad instantly brings back. We'll soon see if I still have the juice, but I'm already having a ball!
