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Repost- Valley of the Gods, Utah


Valley of the Gods in Southern Utah.
Hasselblad 501cm w/50mm Distagon on Portra 400 (both photos were lost in the forum change)
Love the composition. Would a polarizing filter have made the clouds pop? Thanks for reposting so these images would be available to all. Does this indicate that the problems have been resolved?
Love the composition. Would a polarizing filter have made the clouds pop? Thanks for reposting so these images would be available to all. Does this indicate that the problems have been resolved?

A polarizer would probably have helped.
The problem with links is not solved, I just reposted images.
In Utah you regularly have this flat sky colour. It can be beautifully blue but also quite drab. In my experience a pola has limited use.

I've visited Utah quite often and can recommend it to everyone! Photographs just don't do the landscape justice (no, also not if they are taken with a HB)
Really like the first one. What scanner did you use? My scanner picks up Portra 400 with more red than in your image & I really like the tones.
Really like the first one. What scanner did you use? My scanner picks up Portra 400 with more red than in your image & I really like the tones.
I use an Epson 500 flat bed scanner for my 120 and Xpan scans. The file is then adjusted in Aperture as the scan is usually pretty flat so the contrast needs a bit of help.
Thank you for looking.