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Replacement coil spring?


New Member
I decided to repair my old-style 12 back but it looks like I need a new coil spring for inside the gear that returns the body-coupled gear back to its original position.

Does anyone know where I can get a replacement?


Welcome Nick,

A picture of the back and the part or the place where it is fitted would help a great deal to find your part.

There are at least four different models "old style" film back.
Their construction may also differ.


top left 1951, topright 1953, bottom left 1955 bottom right 1964


  • IMGP0126-2.jpg
    329.9 KB · Views: 13

I have a "bottom right" magazine CU 38227 which is 1957 .
BTW it is in MINT condition , the right thing for me , as a collector .
Housing and insert have matching numbers .


Are you sure you have only the bottom right film back from 1957?
I send you some film backs that were much older and this time I did not use a shoebox to pack them in. :)

Hello Nick,

If the administrator sees all these links he will have a fit.
Linking is not recommended to say it mildly. :z02_verwarnung:

The forum gives you facilities to upload images.
While writing you see the toolbar over the space your text is in.
After the part of the text is ready to have a picture simply click the paper clip just right of the center in the toolbar.

Look for the image(s) in your computer, click upload and close the window.
Click the paperclip again and select manage images or just click the one image.

That gives you a chance to set the layout for the image and add a text if necessary.

Now finally the good news:

I have several film backs that I break for spares amongst them the model for which you need the spring.
Lets settle this by pm so my taxman does not know I make deals here....


I have several film backs that I break for spares amongst them the model for which you need the spring.
Lets settle this by pm so my taxman does not know I make deals here....



Taxman? You mean that whole team wearing dark sunglasses which is camping in a van in Main Street? :cool:

I did not know your street is called mainstreet now.
Last time I saw these guys thay were camping in the park next to your appartment .
They were not wearing sunglasses but large binoculars........

Are you sure you have only the bottom right film back from 1957?



I have two 1957 magazines and they are of the "bottom right" type and one TV57568 (1961) of the same type .
All my other types have serial numbers of 1951 , 1952 and 1953 .
Good years for film backs

Hello Jürgen,

The fifties were good years for film backs.
They seldom have a light leak, spacing is very acurate and is quite long lasting as well.
Not all new things are also improvements :z04_schlaumeier:
