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release button blocking


New Member
the release-button of my H2 is not moveable anymore. if i turn on the camera the autofocus is moving for one time. but there is no possibility to shoot. i helped myself by programming the user-button as a release-button. is there a trick to fix the problem without sendig the camera to the service?

thank you all and a very good new year to all of you :)

yours eric
Hi Eric,

I'm not clear on what you are saying. A few questions for more detailed info:

After you turn on the camera, do you press the release button and the AF moves the lens once, then the button freezes so you cannot shoot? Or does the lens AF move on its own when you start the camera?

The fact that you can program a user button to function as the release button makes me suspect that the release button isn't making contact because it is worn out or broken will need repaired.

thank you for response

Yes, Marrc, something ist broken and so the button is blocked. there is a strange noise inside the camera, if i shake it... :-/

yours eric