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ProShade adapter for HC120


I just bought the HC 120 secondhand - unfortunately without lenshood.

But having the Proshade 6093 I figured that this could be solved by purchasing the HC 67mm adapter ring for the Proshade.

Now I have gotten the lens home, and the 67mm is not fitting - which one fits - is it the 77mm

Does anybody have an answer ?


I just bought the HC 120 secondhand - unfortunately without lenshood.

But having the Proshade 6093 I figured that this could be solved by purchasing the HC 67mm adapter ring for the Proshade.

Now I have gotten the lens home, and the 67mm is not fitting - which one fits - is it the 77mm

Does anybody have an answer ?



The filter diameter for the 120/4 Macro is 77mm.

Right from the the specification sheets on the Hasselblad web site:

The 50, 100, 120 and 150 lenses are 77mm.

The 28, 35, 35-90, 50-110 and 300mm lenses are 95mm

The 80 is 67mm ... so if you have that lens, you have the right adapter.
