Hi I have just joined the forum. I have a CM 500 system I have not used in 15 years. I am selling it piecemeal, within the lot was a PME 45 viewfinder. I have sold it, I had no battery for it so the buyer supplied it, one he had been using for his Pentax 67, it is the same battery. I know that 15 years ago that the meter worked fine but had not seen it work since, the battery was inserted but he brought no camera so functionality, there wasn't. The bottom cover was removed and I saw readings in the 12 range but without the body, lens and correct settings it was not accurate. He is now saying that EV 2-6 do not work, I find this strange as it has sat there without a battery, wrapped in plastic freezer bag with a silica pouch for 15 years. Has anyone enough experience with this to know if this is the way they malfunction, can they burn out in a range or one at a time. Is this maybe symptomatic of a low battery, does it take more power to read a low level? To be honest I cannot remember after 15 years. From what he said, it sounded like he was testing and judging it off the camera. Thanks in advance, I want to be fair with this guy but I don't want to be cowed by his insults and accusations, I suspect he doesn't know how to use it.