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Photography student - Hasselblad H3D-22


New Member

I am a Photography student from Norway, in my last year on Norwegian School of creative arts.

At the moment, I got a Nikon D300 with all the Nikkor lense series. (14-24, 24-70, 70-200 etc.)

I have studied fashion for two years, and I wish to go this way in Photography when im done. And I want to get an assistant job for a photographer in New York or Paris in the near future, read. Craig Mcdean, Dusan reljin, Sølve Sundsbø, etc.

Anyway, a few days ago i got an offer to buy a Hasselblad H3D-22 with a HC 35mm Lens for 4.000$.

So my question is, is it worth it?

Is it any point buying this now, will i get anything out of it. The reason im asking is because a brand new H3Dii-31 w/80mm cost about 30.000$ in Norway.

My maine question is:

I have used a H3DII-31 over a long time, but never owned one my self. And i cant afford to buy a new one at this point eather.

But i can afford the H3D-22, and 4.000$ aint alot eather. But is this system so undated, that i would get better files from getting a new Nikon D700 or a D3.

- Adlern
You have same this question on another forums and i followed you.
I will tell you something, i have Canon 1Ds3, which is in same class or even better than D700, and i was using Hasselblad H3DII-39, to my eyes, the Hasselblad quality is something else, unbelievable, and for studio and fashion portraits i will always choose Hasselblad over Canon/Nikon cameras, i use Canon for fast actions and low lights conditions maybe or travels, but Hasselblad is unmatched with those 35mm DSLRs even full frame, so i am sure even H3D-22 is way better quality file over those Canon/Nikon equivalent, and even it is outdated system but it is still strong enough for what you want to do, be sure to have quality lenses such as 100mm, 120 macro, 150 maybe, zoom can be handy but those lenses especially the zoom is more expensive than this used H3D-22, those lenses still holding their prices so no wonder if you can find them above $1500-2000 used.

Check on the net everywhere about H3D-22 samples to see the quality, sure you may find some who had this camera in the past and posted some samples, from there you can see if the quality is what you look for or it doesn't make a significant differences about new Canon/Nikon models, also remember that this camera is bad with high ISO, so make sure you have enough lights to work with.

Good luck!