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phocus for windows



i am waiting for the PC version of PHOCUS.
i was told it will be out after the photokina.
but there are still no news about this.
has someone any info about that.

best greetings.

I too have been waiting for months. I read on the web very recently that it will be available at the end of the month (November), this was from one of the developers, but I wouldn't hold your breath. Frankly I think it is remiss of Hasselblad to assume all their users own Macs.
maybe it's time, or at least a good incentive, for a system switch to Mac? ;-)
I do remember the times when things were rather the other way round, with software not being available at all to Macs...
Frankly I think it is remiss of Hasselblad to assume all their users own Macs.

I agree on that but. The department of Hasselblad formwer Imacon that develops the software is quite small.
This makes it more understandable but not quite right that users of PC systems have to wait nearly a year to get a chance to use new software.
Phocus for windows is out now!

hallo to everyone,


best greetings,

Anyone else having problems converting 3FR files to DGN. My Windows Phocus won't..instead it creates a TIFF. DNG is an option, but it won't export to DNG. Maybe it is me? Regards. David
Anyone else having problems converting 3FR files to DGN. My Windows Phocus won't..instead it creates a TIFF. DNG is an option, but it won't export to DNG. Maybe it is me? Regards. David

I'm having the same problems too, just can't make a straight DNG, it starts processing in the batch window then stops with the minus sign. I'll try it again sometime, but Phocus isn't going to move me from Lightroom/ACR although initial tests seem to show very slightly better IQ with Phocus. For files that require minimal post processing Phocus may be useful. At least it's a much better tool than Flexcolor.


I'm also having the same problem with dng-files. Then also the full size jpg files seems very poor quality, just if you had put a very low quality in PS as an save option. Tiff is working fine. Then I tried the psd-output and they won't open on PS CS3. The last version for mac is working better. I'm between two operatingsystems so I hope they can fix this.

The hand tool seems also bee missing.

br Valtteri
Anyone else having problems converting 3FR files to DGN. My Windows Phocus won't..instead it creates a TIFF. DNG is an option, but it won't export to DNG. Maybe it is me? Regards. David


Hasselblad is aware of this and the "Export to DNG" has been fixed and will be available shortly in 1.0.1 bugfix release.

Paul Claesson
Hasselblad USA

I'm also having the same problem with dng-files. Then also the full size jpg files seems very poor quality, just if you had put a very low quality in PS as an save option. Tiff is working fine. Then I tried the psd-output and they won't open on PS CS3. The last version for mac is working better. I'm between two operatingsystems so I hope they can fix this.

The hand tool seems also bee missing.

br Valtteri

"I tried the psd-output and they won't open on PS CS3"
Are you selecting a single image or two or more images to save out Layers - PSD?

"I'm between two operatingsystems so I hope they can fix this."
What two operating systems? Specs: xx Ghz, ram, video card?

The Hand tool was in included in Phocus - Mac in release 1.1 and will be included in Phocus for Windows 1.1.

Paul Claesson
Hasselblad USA
I have a quite new MAc Book pro (2,2 ghz I think) with added RAM up to 4gb, OSX 10,5. Phocus 1.1.1 is running quite well on it. Then I have a Vista PC with 4 gb RAM, Nvidia Gforce 8600 GT, AMG 64 Dual core 5000+. Phocus not working that well on the PC, yet. I hope it will soon ;)