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Phocus 1.3?

I know that this isn't really a priority, but when Phocus is developed further, would it be possible to incorporate scroll wheel zoom? I think that this would be a really useful feature.

Best regards


Would like to add:

Histogram: be able to lock the middle and only change black and white.

Curves: three predefined simple s-curves

Lens correction: when "distortion" is marked you get a slightly more blurry picture, not as sharp as without. a second checkbox that compensates for this with a little more sharpness would be nice.

Thanks :)
Histogram: be able to lock the middle and only change black and white.
Could you elaborate, please, I am not understanding this suggestion.
Is the black and white referring to the shadow and highlight?

Curves: three predefined simple s-curves
You have the ability to create your own presets with Curves.

Lens correction: when "distortion" is marked you get a slightly more blurry picture, not as sharp as without. a second checkbox that compensates for this with a little more sharpness would be nice.
I am not certain if you are referring the image on screen. How does image look after export to Tiff and viewed in PS?

Rather then add an additonal check box, couldn't you open the "Sharpness" tool palette and increase the USM?

Paul Claesson
Hasselblad USA