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Phocus 1.2 available

Glad to see it! Already see a speed improvement on my MacBook Pro. Anyone hear if the new firmware for the H3DII-50 (providing live view) was released as well?
Thanks Paul. Any sense of timing as I have a product shoot that really needs the benefit of live view coming up during the last week of June. Should I exchange my 50 for a 39?
Thanks Paul. Any sense of timing as I have a product shoot that really needs the benefit of live view coming up during the last week of June. Should I exchange my 50 for a 39?

Unfortunately i do not have an ETA. As I obtain more information regarding LV I will post it.


i must be doing something wrong here....on phocus 1.2 ..newone..each time i move any of the exposure viewscreen turns never did that for the 1.13
