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Phocus 1.2.1 bug - Vista 64 / GTX295

In case anyone else has this problem - the right side of portrait images in the secondary viewer corupts after being displayed for about 5 seconds. Creates a vertical band about 1/5th of the image wide filled with gradients.

I'm using Vista 64
2xLacie 730

Will try to reinstall.

Its a shame since I am a Phocus convert and this looks like a great upgrade otherwise.

Tried re-installing. Issue persists. Also leaves gradated band at bottom of landscape images.
If I zoom to 100% - no gradated bar until I drag down to the bottom of the image. Its as though it ceases to be able to read the bottom 1/10th of the file after a few seconds and just displays nonsense. Thus - pretty sure its not the GPU (which has 2GB of RAM, PC has 12GB)

This kinda renders the new version useless for me.

Will try to post screen shots if that is of help.

Thank you for mentioning this especially with a description of the hardware used.

This is a job I will leave to Paul Claesson.
He has the right direct lines to software people at Hasselblad.

my screen turns white...same thing in that second screen set up..i have two video cards gtx 8800..nvidias....

paul..its still buggy...!!


In case anyone else has this problem - the right side of portrait images in the secondary viewer corupts after being displayed for about 5 seconds. Creates a vertical band about 1/5th of the image wide filled with gradients.

I'm using Vista 64
2xLacie 730

Will try to reinstall.

Its a shame since I am a Phocus convert and this looks like a great upgrade otherwise.



I copied this from the Phocus for windows 1.2.1 Readme file.
The information below does assist support in arriving at a solution.
Also a raw file 3F/3FR that could be uploaded to our FTP can be helpful.
What camera?
What is the 3F and/or 3FR file size?

Should you experience stability issues with Phocus you can from the “Help" menu via "Error Reporting” use
the “Report a Bug” function to automatically create an e-mail with all the debugging information that Phocus
can provide. Debug files can as well be accessed directly via the “Error Reporting” menu under “Log folder”.
All files in the support folder serve a debugging purpose. They can be deleted, but please do email us a
copy on before doing so.

As a suggestion to those that experience a problem with software or hardware. i recommend contacting your dealer from whom your purchased you equipment from, in many instances they can assist you. You also have the option to contact the Hasselblad subsidiary in your region.

Rgds, where are you located?

Googaliser is based in the UK but happens to travel a lot.
That makes contacting his dealer/distributor other than by mail not so easy.
Problem solved

Thanks Paul,

I'm glad to say the problem seems to have resolved itself. A couple of thousand shots later and no further issues of the type I describe above. Not sure why - but I'm not complaining. I do get the occasional blue screen and fatal crash - but I can live with that for now - wastes less time than trying to figure out why image files are corrupted.
I will take your advice and use the error reporting process going forward.

Great update otherwise - the crop feature is now a joy to use on the PC and in the context of my workflow saves a lot of time.
