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Once and for all: Labels Fujinon vs. Hasselblad


New Member
Lets clear some things up once and for all:

Really what is the difference between the H system lenses that are labeled Hasselblad HC and the H system lenses labeled HC Super-EBC Fujinon.

Calling Hasselblad directly, I got a confused response "I've never heard of that. If it doesn't say Hasselblad it is probably a knock-off."

A used dealer emailed me "They're exactly the same, just different labels."

Searching online you get consumer reviews like, "it is grey market product," "the lenses are a bit colder but just as sharp," "they are the same," "they are fakes," and "lesser quality glass."

So lets settle this here and now . . . what is the truth?
Didn't Fuji have the rights to market their optics for H series under their own branding in Japan?
The same except color and the fact that Fujinon is not allowed to export out of Japan.

BTW, I prefer the black color for the H and Black painting for Xpan was bad quality
The same except color and the fact that Fujinon is not allowed to export out of Japan.

BTW, I prefer the black color for the H and Black painting for Xpan was bad quality

Correct, Fuji got the rights to market the Xpan and H series lenses in Japan.
Other countries were supplied by Hasselblad.

Appearance of the products was different, specifications were identical.
Anyway I discover a difference for the Xpan 30mm (as 'm looking for one !)
The "30mm" viewfinder are different. The Hasselblad one is on the standard viewfinder. The Fufi one is just on the flash like a Linhof Technorama.
The same except color and the fact that Fujinon is not allowed to export out of Japan.

BTW, I prefer the black color for the H and Black painting for Xpan was bad quality

Generic problem, anything that HB painted black was at best so-so paint quality.

Annoying if you ask me.

(likes his camera bodies black)