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Newbie Question Zeiss T SynchroCompur


New Member
Greetings from a new user. I have just acquired a 500 CM - my first MF camera. Thanks to this site I have got hold of a manual, but the lens illustrated in the manual is not exactly the same as the one that is on my camera. Mine is a Zeiss Planar T* f2.8 80mm with the words "synchro compur" on the underside of the barrel. I have worked out where the DoF preview stop-down lever is, although it seems to stay stopped down until the shutter is released. There is another lever on the right side (looking from the front) with settings marked V, X and M. Another lever just beside that has no marking at all. Can anyone direct me to a manual for this lens, or advise me what the controls do?

thanks in advance


I would recommend the Hasselblad Manual by Ernst Wildi.

Compur Shutter is the name of the leaf shutter (lens shutter) company that was owned Zeiss. Currently the leaf shutters are produced by Prontor, as are the lens barrels, also a Zeiss company.
T* designates Zeiss lens coatings.
V is for the self-timer for the shutter.
X is for electronic flash
M is for bulb flash

Congratulations on your new system:

Good Shooting:

The old C type lenses, of which yours is one, have normally coupled shutter and aperture rings. To adjust them independently, you need to press the tab on the aperture ring towards the body of the camera (the aperture ring then rotates separately at an angle). These are coupled for those using the EV exposure system, which values are inscribed to the right of the shutter speeds. The V-X-M control is for flash and self timer. M is for the older flash bulbs, X is for electronic flash and V is for the self timer in the lens shutter. Flash syncing is at all speeds. The DOF preview will also be released when you open up the aperture to its widest setting. A good book to consult on the older Hasselblad equipment is The Hasselblad Way by H. Freytag. Also an older edition of The Hasselblad Manual by E. Wildi is a good source. I highly recommend one of the two books, as I have learned quite a bit of what is available in the Hasselblad V-system and how to best use the equipment I have acquired.