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Arthur Clarke

New Member
Hey Everyone,

My name is Arthur, I am currently working in the film industry as a focus puller. We use both film and digital, though digital more often than not. Anyway, I just bought a Hasselblad 500 CM kit that included an 80mm lens, A12 back and a 45 degree metering prism finder. It didn't have an acute matte viewing screen so I have that on order and a waist level finder. I've been practicing photography for 7 years. I started off shooting 35mm and taught myself through trial and error and then before I knew it digital photography completely took over. When I started I couldn't afford to experiment with medium format. Recently I became a member of a photography club that has 4 darkrooms. The day after I became a member, I started hunting for a medium format camera, I always wanted a Hasselblad 500cm but they were so expensive. Now that they have come way down in price and I make more money, I bought one as a bday present to myself. I love black and white photography, I love everything about shooting film. Don't get me wrong, digital photography is great, but there are still so many things I don't like about it, lack of exposure latitude being one of the biggest.
Anyway glad to join up, and hopefully my next post isn't about a malfunctioning camera or lens. Happy picture making
Hello Arthur,

Welcome here.

Congratulations on the choice you made and happy birthday to you as well.

Please note the V series camera you bought is at least fifteen years old and may have a hard professional life behind her.
The 500 CM was introduced in 1970 which means the oldest samples are now 40 years old.

Frequent use and time may indicate a CLA job is due.
I hope this does not spoil the fun too much.
Cameras and lenses are built to last a lifetime but do like a little tender care from time to time.
Gorgeous Camera


I did a lot of looking around when I was camera hunting, and mine is from 1985, which is old but not compared to most of the others I saw. I think I got lucky. The man who sold it to me said he only shot 30 rolls with it and would take it out of the closet every 3 or 4 months to exercise the shutter. He really babied it. I can't wait to get more lenses for it.

Bye for now