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New to medium, bought the lowly H1D, is anybody still using?


New Member
Hello, My name is Sonny, First post,New to medium, with the lowly H1D, is anybody still using it? It looks like I will need a lots of help from long time users here :) Thanks in advance.
My 1st question is: I am using H1D (Imacon Ixpress 132C 22Mp) I have a long cable that connect the 132C to the image bank, is there a short cable (like 1.5m) available? if so, where can I find it? What's it call (kind of cable)?
Please help!
Have a great day everyone!
PS: I love the IQ, my Canon 5D Mark II just can't compare :)
Thanks analog6 for the response, yeah compare to big guys, I just feel so "lowly" :) but still, very proud of it!
Is still a program upgrade H1 to H2? anybody know? if so, where should I contact?
Welcome to the site Sonny! I have a lowly 16mp CFV-II, so your 22mp H1 sounds like a nice upgrade to me. Lots of excellent images (such as those from Odille) are created with equipment that is not the latest and greatest. I look forward to seeing some of yours!

You are a step ahead of me on the Canon front too.....I'm still happily using a lowly 5D.

Gary Benson
Thanks analog6 for the response, yeah compare to big guys, I just feel so "lowly" :) but still, very proud of it!
Is still a program upgrade H1 to H2? anybody know? if so, where should I contact?

From Luminous Landscapes review of the differences:

"The H1 and H2 are identical from the outside. This is a firmware version upgrade, not a physical one. But since firmware now defines cameras as much as levers and switches, it's worth noting the differences. (H1 cameras can be upgraded to H2 spec by authorized Hasselblad service centers).

The real advantages of the H2 over the H1 are its increased level of integration with Imacon Ixpress CFH backs. This means that these backs are now powered by a single battery (the camera's) if the Lithium Ion battery grip is used, and both can be turned on and off with the H2's On-Off switch. The camera is also capable of controlling various back oriented functions directly, but only if the back is an Imacon back. There is no increased functionality with third party backs such as those from Phase One or Leaf."

Check out the pages here

So depending where you are - find an authorised reseller and ask them if (a) it is still available and (b) the cost.

And thank you Gary for the kind words re my images!

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I have to say (touch wood) that I have had NO issues with my H2 (bought used from the UK 2 years ago) except that in the cold (freezing NZ for instance) it doesn't keep the date, and that's the back not the body. The body is gold! It reset itself once I was back in sunny climes.

Terrific battery life with the CR123s and I recently bought a used rechargeable one which so far is doing well.

The must turn off camera before back is irritating at first but it's a quirk you soon get used to.

I do not, as the reviewer said, find the body 'plasticky'. It's a tank.

There is now a waist level finder available, and film backs are readily available for $US200-300.

The HC lenses are wonderful. I have the 80 f2.8, the 150 f3.2, the 210 f4, and the 50-110 f 3.5~4.5 - I am seriously in love with the zoom, I'd save it first in a fire, even before my partner and the 6 cats! (Just joking, I think!) They are fast focussing and so, so sharp.

You'll love it as you get used to it. Shoot lots of things so you get your hand and eye in with it and enjoy!
Thanks Analog6 for all the useful info.
I had some session with model in the last few days, I ran into problem, can you identify what's wrong with my camera?
- I get miss shot a lots and the back keep saying "file transfer error" the images are still there but having digital break (unusable) - The ratio of error is a worry, the error happen in random, sometimes I miss a lot, sometime very few or not at all.
+ Can you point out where should I look into ? (I suspect something wrong with the image bank but I could be wrong)
PS: I will definitely wants to upgrade to H2 status :) Thanks again for the info.
Welcome to the site Sonny! I have a lowly 16mp CFV-II, so your 22mp H1 sounds like a nice upgrade to me. Lots of excellent images (such as those from Odille) are created with equipment that is not the latest and greatest. I look forward to seeing some of yours!

These are some of the very 1st session with the H1
Just out from lightroom and I haven't crop yet (not get use to the fomat yet as I am using the Canon for so long)





Thanks Analog6 for all the useful info.
I had some session with model in the last few days, I ran into problem, can you identify what's wrong with my camera?
- I get miss shot a lots and the back keep saying "file transfer error" the images are still there but having digital break (unusable) - The ratio of error is a worry, the error happen in random, sometimes I miss a lot, sometime very few or not at all.
+ Can you point out where should I look into ? (I suspect something wrong with the image bank but I could be wrong)
PS: I will definitely wants to upgrade to H2 status :) Thanks again for the info.

It does sound like the Image Bank - I don't have one of those so can't help you. Does it take a media card? If so, I'd suggest reformatting the card in the Image Bank (as opposed to in the computer). If it doesn't take a media card, can the Image Bank itself be reformatted?

The images you've got all look great.
No, My Back doesn't take CF Card (is there a way, btw?)
I am curious about the Image Bank Hard Drive as I wish I can re-format it but that idea scare me because I don't know what format the IB are using. When mount into Mac OSX, I don't see anything... Only Flexcolor software can able to see the contents of it.

Can we do it? (reformat the drive)
What if the IM die, meaning H1D die too :) is there a place to buy a replacement? or if I want to have double storage? I tried to find this info bu google but no luck... anybody know?
Sorry for asking lots of the questions :(
Best Regards
No, My Back doesn't take CF Card (is there a way, btw?)
I am curious about the Image Bank Hard Drive as I wish I can re-format it but that idea scare me because I don't know what format the IB are using. When mount into Mac OSX, I don't see anything... Only Flexcolor software can able to see the contents of it.

Can we do it? (reformat the drive)
What if the IM die, meaning H1D die too :) is there a place to buy a replacement? or if I want to have double storage? I tried to find this info bu google but no luck... anybody know?
Sorry for asking lots of the questions :(
Best Regards

I don't know about formatting it but if it dies your H1 will soldier on, never fear. As I said, you can get film backs and Phase One backs fit, and I daresay there are others like Leaf etc that will fit.