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New member trying to view posted images

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Although I signed up for the HI-Club yesterday I'm still seeing all the pop-up ads. A larger problem, and one that I hope someone will address, is that I see only a few of the images that have been posted. If I click on a link, I always get the error message that the image cannot be found. I've been clicking on postings in the Landscape forum, and a few of the images are available. However, I would like to see all the images and be able to communicate with the individual photographers. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Although I signed up for the HI-Club yesterday I'm still seeing all the pop-up ads. A larger problem, and one that I hope someone will address, is that I see only a few of the images that have been posted. If I click on a link, I always get the error message that the image cannot be found. I've been clicking on postings in the Landscape forum, and a few of the images are available. However, I would like to see all the images and be able to communicate with the individual photographers. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
I guess there is something wrong with the server and it is due to the recent updating . Hopefully things will be sorted out soon and it'll will be back to normal soon.
Hi Hassy451,

which images exactly do you have problems with? Can you post a link to the specific posting?

We had 2 different forum switches over the past 6 years. Some images o postings before the year 2008 have been lost because of the forum switch and some images are still missing from our forum import lats year.

Best wishes
Admin, glad to hear from you! One missing image is 4197. It was from the nature and wildlife forum, and it is referring to the first entry where I asked about the colors of the original. As you can see when you open that thread there has been a great deal of frustration from those of us who paid to be members but continue to have adverts dropped on us and cannot view the images. By the way, it is "Hass451" and not "Hassy451"--thank you for your efforts to resolve this ongoing issue.
Hi Hass451,

let us separate the different issues, otherwise it is getting confusing. Regarding the problem with Club-membership I wrote already something about it at the appropriate place and this is resolved now.

Another issue and totally independant from that is the fact that a few images have not been imported when we made the switch of the forum software in December 2012. We are still working on this and try to figure out why thoese images get blocked during the import process.

A third issue and again totally independant from the other 2 mentioned above is the problem you are referring to in your posting here. In that specific thread, the second images is not an images which has been imported, since it was uploaded after the forum switch. I posted there already some questions for the image-owner to figure out what could be the reason for this.

Best wishes
As a general rule, we close threads in the help/suggestion section as soon as the problem was solved or the suggestion was noted and enough discussed in that thread. Just that you do not wonder why there is a little yellow lock on many threads in this section.

Thanks to this, we have it easier to see already in the section overview page, whether a new problem arrived or not. Also the hijacking of threads with other problems is solved by this. Otherwise we would not realize that there is a new problem of a user.
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