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I have spent most of my working life earning a living with Hasselblads. In the the last 10 years or so, after I considered digital was 'up to it', I switched to Leica M8, and then added Leica M9. The Leicas are now my workhorses, But I always loved my Hasselblads and could not bring myself to sell them. They languished in the cupboard for 10 years. Last week, I took them out, opened some film from the fridge, (O.O.D by 10+ years) and went shooting.

I have now re-discovered 'sex'. Film cameras and the darkroom are where my soul is. I truly feel I am creating when using film. Sure, I love what I produce from digital and get a great buzz from that too. But it's like reading the book, or watching the movie. You shouldn't compare them because they are different media. Both have their place. In my household, film and digital both have a place, in their own measure.

As time goes by I am going to lift my film involvement, but it will probably be only for self indulgence. Digital still needs to rule the income.

A short while ago, I finished off a B&W film and a colour neg film. Tonight will be spent processing both as all chemistry is now up to scratch again.
Hi Imageman,

welcome in our Hassy Community. I just looke a few days for used scanners at ebay, but was shocked how the exploded in price. Even mor expensive then their old new price... (i.e. with Nikon 5000 ED) :angry:
Hi Imageman, welcome to the forum,
I agree with you, about film and digital. I too love films and own a Hasselblad M6 and X-Pan 2, Nikon F5. Last year I bought a M8 and since all my negative Cameras started getting dusty.Last month I went Paris and on my second day there ,my Leica camera's shutter was broken.

Fortunately I had my X-Pan with me and I kept on shooting and ended up shooting more than 15 films. Today I have seen all my developed films and they look wonderful.

Thanks Leica . You brought me down to earth. If not I might not have a chance see differently. So my Leica is in Solms in Germany on a bench. I tend to follow the old path so I bought some more films. Reloaded my Hasselblad with a B&W film ( It is a bit expired in the fridge though) I guess it has not lost it contrast yet and useable.

I too believe what you say. I enjoy more using films than Digital.

Hi and welcome

Film does have a special place. I am only shooting digital at the moment but a film back for my H2 is on the plan.

I have just come back from a holiday in Tasmania with 2 friends who shoot film exclusively, mostly Rollei TLRs and some 35mm. I do like their results, it is different and special.

That said, one of them was happy to 'have a go' with my digital Hassie!

Cheers. Odille from Oz