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New member introducing him self



I am a swedish guy, a semiprofessional photographer and I shot my first Hasselblad picture 1973, a studio session as a newbie.
The subject was my sister and the picture have recently been scanned and printed.

I still have some Hasselblad equipment and use them from time to time.

But I am very close to buy a Hasselblad digital equipment. I have been using Nikons digital cameras for the last 7 years.

What I can´t decide is if I´m going for the digital back CFV-39/50 or shall one go for the H4D system with it´s CF-converter.
Thats is the big question at the moment. I had the opportunity to test the CFV-39 for a couple of days a while ago and I must say that I was impressed.

Anyway, nice to be here!
Hello Eksund,

Welcome here.

The choice between V or H series digital depends largely on your subjects and the way you shoot.

Strong point for the V series is the beautiful range of Carl Zeiss lenses for that system.
Nothing against Fuji but Zeis glass is in a class of its own.

Guess I have tro find a helmet to protect me from H series users now...;)