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New HC 50mm II & Macro 120mm II...


Hi all,

Does someone have some news about these upgraded versions? Do they really provide with significant improvements?

I ordered the 120mm short after Photokina. After to weeks it should arrive but I'm still waiting...
Yes, I took delivery of a new HC 50mm II to replace the original version a week ago.

I use it on a H4D-50.

The new version looks identical - same size, shape, weight - but the lens elements look different. It is a completely new design optically.

My impression from limited use is that the new lens is far superior to the old model. The major and obvious difference is in sharpness. With the old lens, I felt the sharpness was OK, but with the new version, it leaps off the screen (or print).

below is a link to a quick test shot taken wide open at F3.5, with focus on the far tall trees. 19.jpg

I think this is impressive for a lens shot wide open. Needless to say perfomance further improves if stopped down, as you would expect.

A worthwhile upgrade.

From what I can gather based on second hand feed-back, as opposed to actually using the lenses, is that the 50-II is a significant upgrade regarding edge sharpness, etc. and the 120 macro is a tweak. The previous 150N upgrade over the previous 150 was worth it IMO, so I trust these will be too. However, I will not upgrade my 120 since it is quite stellar as is ... at least until I have more experience in using my current 120 with the H4D/60 which may reveal some short comings over time. 60 meg puts a lot of pressure on the optical performance.

I have sold my HC/50 in anticipation of eventually getting the 50-II ... which isn't inexpensive. Mostly for use on the HTS/1.5 and for a smaller kit for travel purposes rather than lugging the HC 35-90 with me. The HC 35-90 cannot be used on the HTS/1.5.

I do use the 28 on the HTS/1.5 and will be using it on an upcoming project. It is pretty good, but is sometimes difficult to achieve critical focus with.

Of course it is not 28mm anymore ... the HTS/1.5 add's a 1.5X lens factor ... so it is like a 42mm field-of-view.

I do use the 28 on the HTS/1.5 and will be using it on an upcoming project. It is pretty good, but is sometimes difficult to achieve critical focus with.

Of course it is not 28mm anymore ... the HTS/1.5 add's a 1.5X lens factor ... so it is like a 42mm field-of-view.

yes but I think it will be something for me
if you try it with HTS i'd like to have your opinion
I tried to post a substantive reponse but as I included a link to a sample file on dropbox it has been delayed pending moderator approval. Pity, as after 24 hours nothing has yet turned up here.

So to cut a long story short, I have replaced my HC 50 with the new HC 50 II uised on a H4D-50 and I am delighted by the improvement. Please check out my thread with samples on the GetDPI forum which seems to be more reasonably disposed to the posting of useful information.

Welcome here Quentin.

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