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New film user from Lisbon

paulo pires

New Member
Hello everybody

I'm a new Hasselblad user as the result of a long quest for a camera, a lens, a system. I gave up for good digital photography about a year ago. I still do it for work but not for personal pleasure.

It all started with the Leica X1. I was in love with it long before the first cameras arrived to Portugal and I got one as soon as they did. Mistake. Huge mistake. The lens is very good but... I didn't like anything else about it.

I soon realize that the problem was not the X1, it was the medium. The digital medium. I sold the X1 and I got myself the camera that changed everything, a Zero Image 2000 pinhole camera. :) Yes, from the X1 to a pinhole.

It's been a crazy year and I've owned zillions of cameras.
Zenza Bronica SQAM, Mamiya 645J and 645 AFD, Contax 645, Rolleiflex 6006, Contax G1, Contax G2, Contax N1, Zeiss Ikon ZM, Mamiya 6 mf, Konica Hexar AF and a Yashica 124G.

One thing is clear. I don't like using 35mm, I wanted a medium format camera. The quality of the Rolleiflex and Zeiss lenses was amazing. Huge heavy beast, but the images were magical. The Mamiya 6 is an amazing camera with razor sharp lens. The Contax 645 is a beautiful design object but somehow I didn't get the same... quality I was getting from the Zeiss on the Rolleiflex.

After many turns I came across an Hasselblad 500CM with the 80 and the 150 C T* lenses. Love it from day one. I'm getting magical images again and I can only dream about the newer lenses but for the time being I'm just enjoying my first Hasselblad and I'm truly amazed by the quality and the simplicity of this amazing mechanical piece.

The result?
Sold everything and I now own an Hasselblad 500 CM and a Mamiya 7ii.
As for 35mm :) well... let's just say I could never let go the delicious Hexar AF. And I still have the pinhole. :)

Thank you