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need help: expose and develop expired film

maarten m

i'm about to use a Tri-X pan film that is way passed it's developing time.
it expired in june 1978 and was kept in the freezer till now.

how should i treat this film? as 400 iso?
or should i expose and/or develop it a few stops up or down?

any thoughts are welcome!

B/W film is remarkably strong and does not mind being stored for longer periods of time.

My experience is no special attention is needed even when the film was not stored in a refrigirator.

Color can shift with age, but if it has been in the freezer the whole time, it is probably good. The only way to tell is to use it.


Film ages, regardless of the storage conditions.
Refrigeration will slow down the aging process but it still happens. Old film will show an ISO shift, so run a clip test before processing the roll.
Your TriX might be closer to ISO 100 than 400.
I consider that using expired film is wast of time and money.
As said using B/W 400 iso film at 100asa perhaps the best way.

Color expired film is only deception.