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need advice


New Member
Hi, I am a new member to the forum, I would like to say, I have seen some great photography on this forum, very impressed with the quality of the image and the level of professional approach to the work.

I am a wedding reportage photographer using only Leica equipment , I am looking to by a MF camera, before doing so I am looking for the right advice.

I shoot digital and I want to continue doing so, however I would like to shoot film, on certain occasions.
I do not know the Hasselblad that well, so if you are a wedding photographer and use a Hasselblad, please can you point me in the right direction.

Please forgive me if I am asking too much, or if you have answered this question many times before!

warm regards

Welcome here David.

Try to find posts by Fotografz also known as Marc Williams.
His posts will answer some of your questions.

From the images on your website I would say you will probably like V series lenses better than the H series.

Your method of operation suggests you could be better off with th H series.
H cameras are state of the art digital workhorses.
Be warned the H system for digital capture does not come cheap.

Paul thank you for your quick response.
If I was to go with H system, what lens would bring me in line with my work and how much MP would I need.
Let me make a little simple for you, I have a budget of about 25.OOO euros.
What I would like to know, what would I need to make a complete system, ready to shot.
Mean while I will look at the photograph you have kindly mention.

warm regards

I guess the H4D40 would be the H series body to go for, forget the 50 and 60 Mp cameras

You will find answers to most of your questions here:

Keep in mind you do not need the complete range of lenses from 28 mm to 210 to cover most of your needs.

You do not use flash often. That means you better stay with faster lenses which rules out the fabulous zoom lens.

MF digital also requires large storage capacity and a powerful MAC or PC.
The cost of that equipment should not be forgotten to stay within your budget.
Paul, thank you very much for your time in answer my questions and also showing me the link of fotografz, very interesting.

Question, what size memory carte would be correct for this camera and make.

Not to sure for this next Q. Will a Leica SF 58 flash work on this camera? if not what do you recommend ?

warm regards

Once again Paul, you have been very helpful,
I think I need to take a test drive. Here in France Hasselblad will not leave me the camera for a few days in order to test, I can only test the camera in the shop for a few hours. unfortunately this is not very practical due to the style of work, different light conditions, interior, exterior. So, before I invest in a camera, I would like to make sure it is right for me.

warm regards

Try to find a colleague that uses the H4D and see you can test drive his camera for a couple of hours.
Keep in mind these cameras can only proof what they are capable of in the hands of an experienced user.
Maybe your dealer can give you a reference of H4D users that are willing to show you what the camera can do.

Be prepared for a run to the bank, the H4D is state of the art!

Paul, i never thought about asking anyone, brilliant idea.
I will contact Hasselblad and find my nearest dealer.

Can you tell me, if the back, which is 40 MP, can be change, ie when new backs are developed; or does Hasselblad have a update system via internet?

warm regards

The H4D is a complete camera where the digital section is an integrated part of the camera.
Upgrades are only possible by exchanging the body for one with more pixels like the H4D50 or the H4D60
As it stands it is unlikely the camera technology itself will see major upgrades in the near future.