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My X-Pan photos


This is my first ever photo publish here and this is from my panoramic series of London.

London Hilton 7Panorama1.jpg
Hi Cyril

Nice to see some action on the Xpan front.
Is it possible to post some bigger photos.... difficult to discern any details.
TFS, S:)
Hi Cyril,
It would be great to see larger images, since these are really interesting,
just watermark them if you're afraid, others will use them on the net.
Hi Cyril,
It would be great to see larger images, since these are really interesting,
just watermark them if you're afraid, others will use them on the net.

But my images appear as only thumb nail sizes which is the sizes allows for nun-club members. It is bit shame and that is why I think we don't see much posting images from the devoted Blad users!!!
I am a non club member too, but can post large like this, or larger;


when I use my account.
It's easy and free.
That's how I do it with other forums as well.