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My camera shop forced me to buy Hasselblad!


New Member
Hello Folks, I'm new to this forum, here because they offered me a price I couldn't refuse. I'm cheap, and price vs results has kept me away... until now. So here I come with some fresh ignorance and enthusiasm to share. (Though not enough time to do it) Soon I'll be getting around to posting some questions I couldn't Google answers to re: rumors about early 120/ 4 Makro-Planars lacking in sharpness, and some PME51's having focus/ shim issues. Ben
Hello Ben,

Excellent camerashop. ther should be more like that!

Forget about the issues you mentioned and just start shooting.

Carl Zeiss only made two kinds of lenses for Hasselblad:
Very good ones and even better ones.
This does not mean Zeiss did not improve its products during their 57 years as supplier to Hasselblad in Sweden.

My camera shop just forced me to buy a new 501Cm kit at a silly low price (compared to list). Just couldn't resist.
Now I need a macro lens and wide angle lens and......
Hooked is right...
Borrowed a 40mm over the weekend, can't wait to get the film processed and see the result. Looks like an older 50mm is a great deal as well either a 120 macro (first gen seems to be a bargin) or a 150 with extension tubes.
Wel done.
It looks like you are hooked for life :rofl: :z04_carrot: :rofl: :z04_carrot:


Yeppp! like everyone elses here! For <<Hussy addiction>> Only one remedy and one therapy so far, Keep shooting and be frindly with the banking consultant. He helps your in all the ways when in needs to come out of the frustrations.
Hooked is right...
Borrowed a 40mm over the weekend, can't wait to get the film processed and see the result. Looks like an older 50mm is a great deal as well either a 120 macro (first gen seems to be a bargin) or a 150 with extension tubes.

The 40 is a nice piece of kit.. as is the 50.

(just back from 2 weeks holiday in Scotland, with 501cm/40mm/50mm plus Xpan with 45mm/90mm)