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Medium Format from the start


New Member
I got started in photography with my father's Rolleiflex Twin Lens Reflex camera. I used it exclusively for several years, and I still have it. I took it backpacking. I got used to the large negatives and the outstanding image quality. 35 mm just didn't seem as easy to work with in the darkroom. However, this type of camera is limited to one lens, and one viewfinder. So I looked into other camera systems.

My next system was Pentax 6X7. It offered interchangeable lenses and finders, and macro lenses and extensions for close up photography. I used this system for several years, and it is still my favorite.

Later I acquired two Hasselblad 500C/M bodies and three lenses. This system is amazing, but I still prefer the 6X7 format. Square photos just don't seem to fit anywhere.

I also obtained a Mamiya RB67 with the 90 mm standard lens and the 150 mm soft focus. This system is large and heavy, and while great for the studio, it is not for backpacking/travel.

Do I have any 35 mm cameras? Well yes, but they are not my first choice.
I have been looking at the Hasselblad X2D, but with the prices listed, it is out of my range. I was considering the Pentax 645D as a lower cost alternative. I have several lenses from my Pentax 6X7 that I may be able to use with an adapter.
I have been looking at the Hasselblad X2D, but with the prices listed, it is out of my range. I was considering the Pentax 645D as a lower cost alternative. I have several lenses from my Pentax 6X7 that I may be able to use with an adapter.

This advice: do not go into a store and heft the X2D. Avoid sampling the images posted on-line. ;o) I got one and love it. I like very much the Leica M9 with a good lens on it. But the HB has it beat in color, IQ and just plain definition. Over a year later I am still impressed. What sells the X2D is that finely tuned sensor. I can use lenses from my 35mm camera on it but the HB XCD 55V is just such a good lens. I understand your predicament. Just do not pick one up and handle it.
Here are some links to a couple of images whoch show how nice this camera has been to me. You can double click on each image to blow it up to max size on Flickr:
