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MacBook Pro Retina with Imacon FW 400 Image Bank


New Member
Dear forum:
I recently bought a new Macbook Pro Retina display. It has NO Firewire ports, but at least 2 Thunderbolt ports. I bought the recommended adapters (Thunderbolt - FW 800 and FW 800 - FW 400) but while BOTH adapters work independent of each other, they do NOT work with them conjoined and hooked up to a battery powered IMAGE BANK. I have tried both Phocus and Flexcolor apps, and have tried multiple FW 400 wires.
As I said, the Thunderbolt to FW 800 works when connected to FW 800 Hard drives and the FW 800 to FW 400 works fine when connecting Hard drives with both ports.
Apple says I need to go see a guru at the Mac store but the nearest store is a 6 hour RT drive.
Anyone have this problem and a fix?
Anybody have any thoughts?

Thanks in advance,