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M42 glass on Hasselblad X1D...


New Member
Just noticed on Ebay an adaptor that seems to let you put M42 glass on a Hasselblad X series camera...

Has anyone used one of these, has one of these or knows of any problems with these?

I understand totally the you would manual focus it and have to use the E-shutter too, but it would be nice to use my Helios 44 M42 lense on my X1D.

I am using a TTArtisan adaper for M42 > HB. Works just fine. Radius of coverage is the key here. You will need a 45 mm diameter of coverage to cover what is essentially 44 x 33 mm sensor. I know the Jupiter 8 works from testing. As the sensor is so large it can be cropped so keep that in mind in adapting lenses. I got my adapter from B&H.
Yes. I've got one and have been using a leica 90mm f2 a lot. the adapter works great and i'm pretty amazed at how wide the circle of coverage is on a lot of the leica lenses. If you don't mind the electronic shutter and the occasional completely warped rolling shutter image totally get this adapter. i think mine cost about $30 right from TTartisan.