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Light leakage - help?


New Member
Hi all,

I wondered whether someone could advise me on the attached images. Occasionally I seem to be getting some sort of light leakage - it doesn't effect all images and varies in severity.

They are taken on a 2000 FC/W that is in excellent condition. But wondered whether it might be a problem with the back, or maybe light coming through the slot for the dark slide?

Any guidance as to what the problem might be and how to resolve would be appreciated?



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The same inconvenience has happened to me a pair of times in the past years. It was repaired simply by replacing the trimmings of the back - that is cheap and very recommendable to accomplish every 5-6 years.
The light leakage varies in severity probably according the camera is in bright sunlight or in shadow and also because the trimmings can "move" in some measure.
An advice to prevent this damage: remove the dark slide when the back is put away and not attached to the camera!
Good light (away from the film!) and good pictures!
Cordially Ale
Thanks Ale for your thoughts and advice. I will send the back away to have the seals replaced by the sounds of it.
Hi Ale, just to confirm, you fixed the problem by only having the back serviced (ie the seal for the dark slide)? As opposed to having the light seal replaced on the back of the body?

Thanks, Will
Yes Will, I confirm that the problem was in the seals of the back. Therefore the repairer recommended to remove the dark slide every time it is possible.
A strange adventure: first time the trouble happened after 18 years of use, 2nd time only after 5 years in the same back - maybe my hands are becoming heavier in passing of time?
Cordially Ale