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lens adapter for old lenses, for hd3-50


New Member
I just got my new camera and love it. Bought the adapter so I can use my old CF lenses. Works great and recognizes my 50 and 150 but does not "see" my 80. Also tried another 80 and had the same problem. Anyone else had this problem? Thanks.
As far as I know the adapter identifies what lens you mounted by means of the contacts fitted to CFE lenses.
There are no 50 or 150 CFE lenses only FE lenses but these lenses can not be used because they have no shutter.

Could you give more information on the lenses you used?

CF lens adapter

Sorry for the wrong info. I am using CF lenses, 50, 80, 150. They are black, T*, with rubber focusing rings. Thank you!
CF lens adapter

Since the box lists this as a CF lens adapter, it seems reasonable that I could use my CF lenses on it without any trouble. My dealer is trying to talk to Hasselblad to see if there have been any problems or issues with this accessory. I have tried another CF 80 and it also had the same problem as not being recognized. Thanks.
And what will be the equivalent of those lenses on H body? I have 60 and 150 CF lenses if i can use on my H body with adapter.
Lenses are still 60 and 150 mm, nothing changes their focal length.

The CF adapter makes it posssible to use any C, CF, CFi or CFE lens with the
H series.
Only CFE lenses are recognised and offer light measurement and focus confirmation but no AF.
All other lenses have focus confirmation only.

In fact if you use a CFE lens at 8 then it will show you that the speed needed is 1/60.
If you have the same lens in CF at 8 (and is a 50mm/4 lens )then it will show you 1/250, so you have to put the speed dial 1/250 at the level of 2.8 level, so --> 1/60 for 8.0

Anyway if you are outside by day, it will write that the picture is not possible at 2.8 (speed 1/1000 !) so you have to close the diaph at 1/8 to get the info about the fact you have to use 1/125 !

BTW, I think that when you use digital gear, exposure metering is not so problematic as you cann take a picture and then see the result ( and graphic) to get far better estimation of light and contrast.
My CF adapter doesn't see the lens I put on - it asks me to input the focal length of the lens. I have set all the lenses I have in the menu (40, 50, 80, 120, 150) so when I put the lens adapter on it asks me which lens I am fitting on. I scroll through the menu to find the suitable lens and then hit 'ok'. I'm guessing that your menu has a shortcut for the 50 and 150 but is missing the 80 mm lens. On the H, go to Menu>Settings>My lenses and then program them in. It takes a bit but once they are in you're good to go.