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Latest purchase - first result


Treated myself to what I believe was a great Ebay opportunity: the auto bellows with CF 135 in absolute mint condition. Here's the first result; shot with 503CW and CFV50; approx. 1:1 ratio. With the kind of weather we're having at the moment I guess most use will be 'indoors'...


  • Macro-01.jpg
    182.3 KB · Views: 32
Treated myself to what I believe was a great Ebay opportunity: the auto bellows with CF 135 in absolute mint condition. Here's the first result; shot with 503CW and CFV50; approx. 1:1 ratio. With the kind of weather we're having at the moment I guess most use will be 'indoors'...

Nice image Erik.

What weather, it's been very mild over here, 11 degrees C here today which is quite warm for the end of December.
Nice image Erik.

What weather, it's been very mild over here, 11 degrees C here today which is quite warm for the end of December.

Agree; it's mild here as well, but.... all we see is different shades of grey; what happened to the colors :-(

@ Dave: thanks; happy newyear to you to!
Hope to use the new toy a lot; will you keep you posted...