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Just got a 500cx and had a few quick questions


New Member
Hi All,

I bought a light meter from a gentlemen a few weeks back, and we got to talking and turns out he was selling his 500cx.

I just left my old job to start my own business so money is tight, but I really just couldn't turn down the opportunity to own a classic Hassie.

First question is I'm wondering if I could find replacement screws anywhere, on the bottom one of the 4 screws on the tripod mount is missing. I don't think it's a big deal but likewise if I could replace it relatively easily I definitely prefer that.

Second, the unit came with one A12 back and I was looking on getting at least another so I can hold 2 varying types of film when I got out to shoot. Just wondering if there's any compatibility issues if I bought an a12 back, for another 500 series Hassie.