Medium Format Forum

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It's Kind of Sad

It's kind of sad that this forum has never had a post. So here is the first. I was bored one night and decided to do my first Hassy macro. 503CW+CFV+automatic bellows+120/4 and Helicon. The close-up is ten cuts reconstructed with Helicon. Focusing at that magnification was nearly impossible..just guessed.


  • Antelope Canyon 2.jpg
    Antelope Canyon 2.jpg
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  • Antelope Canyon 2.jpg
    Antelope Canyon 2.jpg
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  • HF2.jpg
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It's kind of sad that this forum has never had a post. So here is the first. I was bored one night and decided to do my first Hassy macro. 503CW+CFV+automatic bellows+120/4 and Helicon. The close-up is ten cuts reconstructed with Helicon. Focusing at that magnification was nearly impossible..just guessed.

Hi Steve. I hope to be joining you here soon with some images to post. I just ordered a 120/4 CFE Makro for my Hasselbald V-system cameras today! Slowly building my lens collection and I've been looking for one of these for a couple months. I used to do quite a bit of macro photography about 25 years ago, using a 35mm Pentax MX with a Pentax bellows and 100mm bellows was alot of fun. Here's one of those shots which I scanned many years ago on a Canon film scanner.

Look forward to getting much better results now with the 120 Makro and my 503CWD-II.

I'm going to check out the Helicon software too.....thanks for the tip. I know some of the guys over on the GetDPI forum are using it and getting great results.

Gary Benson
Eagle River, Alaska


  • begonia.jpg
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  • begonia.jpg
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It is a shame that this forum only has one thread - Macro photography is a fantastic skill and can yeild some spectacular results.

Good work! I look forward to seeing more :)
It is a shame that this forum only has one thread - Macro photography is a fantastic skill and can yeild some spectacular results.

Good work! I look forward to seeing more :)

I think Macro photography in Medium format is a expensive business! and that is why everyone can't go in to this area in 6x6 . Is my thinking sensible?:z02_respekt:
Now that bellows etc can be had for very good prices on Ebay etc, I don't see why $ should be such an issue......
Maybe macro is just not an attractive topic for many HB users...?