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Isle of Skye, Scotland (UK)

Late Developer

New Member
My wife and I went up to the Isle of Skye for a week at the end of Sept / beginning of Oct this year. I've been a few times before but this was the first time I'd been with the express intention of taking a load of photos.

My suggestions are:

1. Take plenty of film for the duration you're there. There isn't a decent supply of film anywhere on the island as far as I could ascertain.

2. Don't let the local photo labs process any of your film. I allowed a local photo shop to process a roll of 120 colour print film - just to see what my shots were coming out like. The negs were okay but the prints were chronic. Over-bright, tepid colours and not very sharp.

3. Do your research. The island is bigger than you imagine and the roads are average / borderline poor in places. You will need to drive slower than you think (esp in bad weather - not called "The Misty Isle" for no reason). Have maps and know where you're headed.

4. If you're going B&B or hotel, take plenty of money as eating out is bl**dy expensive. You can get fish and chips in Portree (Port Righ) at "The Codfather" and they are very nice. However, eating in restaurants / pubs seemed considerably more expensive than on the UK mainland.

5. Visit Sligachan and shoot the Cuillin. Everyone does it but it is a stunning place. Check out the Trotternish region and the Old Man of Storr / Quraing. A boat trip from Dunvegan Castle to photograph the seal colony is also great value.
Hm, I was in Skye in August this year, and in my experience it was not more expensive than the rest of Scotland.

Films I always take home for processing, snowball's chance in hell that I will hand my films to some random outfit when I'm travelling.
