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I joined a few days ago this forum. Let me tell who I am. Aside of being now retired , I started using the Hasselblad 500 CM in 1984 and later replaced the body by the 503CW. These cameras have seen quite a lot of Canada, the USA and Europe. Since the digital magazines were and still are very expensive I moved in 2012 to the Nikon D800E system, but probably for sentimental reasons returned to Hasselblad when they released the X1DII 50. This is a fine camera which is mostly used for landscape photography. The autofocus system is not perfect in contrast to the manual mode, at least in my hands (yes all on a tripod)..
I stumbeld on your site, looking to shortcomings of the X2D100 after reading very positive reviews. I made inquires about the lacking GPS, but received no satisfactory response from Hasselblad, Sorry we cannot help you", a new way to sell camera's? FRO629.
Hi. welcome to the Forum! A classical Hasselblad beginning - 500CM and then 503CW... And once more you return to the marque. I'm sure your loyalty is rewarded in the quality of photos you're able to produce, even if their customer service leaves a little to be desired.

I can only manage some not-so-recent 'Blad gear in the form of the H2F and a 22Mp back plus a couple of Ixpress digital backs including the superb multi-shot 528C which get attached to various cameras including the Contax 645. My luxury item has been a Fuji GFX 50S plus a number of lenses and I was reminded that Fuji made the lenses for the 'Blad H-series. It's an odd mish-mash when thinking about the provenance of glass associated with Hasselblad: good old Zeiss for the V-mount and then Fuji for the H. Right now I'm able to use Zeiss MF lenses on a Fuji digital ML camera while still enjoying Fuji-made glass on a Hasselblad. Great fun! In truth, when I snapped my fist photos back in the 1950s, I could not have dreamed about what is possible today.
Thank you for your kind words.I use my Leica R gear with a Novoflex adapter. The combination works fine for normal or long lenses, e.g a 90 mm Apo Summicron, the 180 mm Apo Telyt and the 65 mm Macro lens. For optimal results a tripod is required makig lens or camera stabilization a luxury issue. Is there a real siisible difference between 50 and 100MP, if so should we wait for 200 MP or larger sensors? Who knows? In the mean time I love the cable release and the built-in GPS of the X1D250.
Is there a real siisible difference between 50 and 100MP, if so should we wait for 200 MP or larger sensors? Who knows?
Hello FRO629
Please tell me , what would you need a 100MP (or higher if it would be available and affordable) back for ?
I am an active amateur and most of my images are printed on A2 paper size . (40x50 cm) I shoot with HASSELBLAD CFV39, CFV50 and CFV II 50c .
I found , that my digital gear is sufficient enough to cover my needs and produce very good image quality .
Yes, actually it is a luxury issue. I am really happy with the X1D mark II, which is mostly used for landscape photography. Good focussing is likely more important than the number of pixels. One of the problems with the new XIID model is the absence of built-in GPS. I will stick to the my current gear. yes definitely.
I was very irresolute what to buy . X1D II 50 c or 907x CFV 50 II c , but finally ended up in getting the 907x CFV 50 II c .
That gives me the possibility to use the 907x in native mode (like the X1D) but also attach the back to my HASSELBLAD 503CW , 905SWC and also to my ALPA and ARCA SWISS cameras . I think , it was a good decision . The 50MP are sufficient enough for what I shoot . No MP hunting . What a freedom .