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Image Bank I and II for H1D


New Member
Can someone answer me this question: I have H1D and I feel my original image bank (40GB) acting up, so my question is:
- If I buy Image Bank II (100Gb) will it compatible with my H1D ? is IB2 support to be a "replacement" for IB1 or just a completely different format/platform ?
My info: H1D with ixpress 132C

Thank you very much!
The Image Bank-II doesn't work with the older Imacon backs.

It is a firewire 800 connected unit powered by Sony L batteries for the Hasselblad HD and CF backs.

Thanks Marc, so the IB2 only have FW800 port and no other kind of connectors?

Do you have any experience with IB1 ? I think my IB1 acting up (lots of "image transfer error") I wonder If I can reformat the drive? or should I send it to Hasselblad service center to fix it?
In case if reformat is possible, what format should I use and how?
Please help!
No, it is just a FW800 port. There are FW800 to FW400 adapters on the market ... but I think the Image Bank-II is specifically internally set up for the newer H camera backs. Perhaps a call to Hasselblad technical services could confirm that for absolute sure.
