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Im' after a H1. Are they still a good buy?


New Member
I already own a 503CW V series but want something more simpler to use when travelling. I have been looking at a Hasselblad H1. Obviously I wont have the problems of having to use a light meter every time I want to shoot.

Is the H1 simple enough to use and are the meter readings accurate in the viewfinder and easy enough to read? I remember purchasing a prism for my V series which contained a light meter and it was very unreliable.

Any advice gratefully received.
I have an H2 which I understand is the H1 with a firmware upgrade(?). The meter in this is quite accurate. I use a P20 digital back.
H-2 for sale

I have an H-1, factory converted to an H-2. It has two film backs, an 80mm lens, both a plain and grid focusing screen, the CR123 battery handle, instruction books, all caps, and original boxes. All in excellent condition. If you are interested, contact me by PM.

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H series cameras are quite different from the V series.
That starts with different lenses.

Why not try to make your V series camera easier to use with a metering prism?

If you are looking for AF option with accurate metering the H series could be the right camera for you.

If you are thinking of going digital the H2F would be the body to go for.
