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Hts 1.5


New Member
Great device. Adds much flexibility, but you should be aware that if you fail to fully seat the HTS(click on seating is not as significant as with a lens), you will not get an error on your screen, and you will get incorrect meter readings. Since the HTS has a rotational capability to to shift the tilt orientation, and has several click stops at 15 degree intervals, you need to be sure that the click you feel is the locking of the HTS into the body and not just an angle rotation shift. The meter readings under non-locked conditions may be as much as 5 to 8 stops off depending on the lighting conditions(very over exposed).
HTS 1.5 now discontinued for sale in the US as of Oct 1

HTS 1.5 now discontinued for sale in the US

Well that is a bit of odd news... is there a new version of the HTS coming out I have not heard about? Do I need to snap one up of the 1.5 flavor.

Once again... kind of an odd announcement with no details or reason given on Hassi US site.
Sales have been suspended in the USA whilst a Patent issue is being resolved, sales of the HTS outside of the USA are unaffected by the suspension.