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Hi From Xiamen, China

I'm not sure if this is the right way to post an introduction. If not, perhaps
someone can help.

I started photography with Hassy 40 years ago, but went to 35mm with Leica, Nikon, etc. I recently bought some used Hassy eqpt since I've missed it. Semi-retired, we live in the coastal city of Xiamen and spend considerable time in Guilin. There are many scenic places and interesting people to photograph.

Going back to film from digital will mean 'relearning,' and we don't even know
if there's a local source for 120 film/processing. I'd gladly welcome help from members in China/Hong Kong.

It's great to find this forum and look forward to exchanges.
Welcome David at this forum.
Please do not let us wait too long for images from China.

You are not the first and certainly not the last to come back to Hasselblad V series cameras after using other cameras.
