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Hi from Saudi Arabia ...


New Member
A long overdue brief about myself ...

Although I registered back in 2009, I haven't been active here as I don't, yet, own a Hasselblad. I've been contemplating getting one since I was much much younger, but always held off for too many reasons. Now, however, I seem to be getting more serious about wanting to get an H4D, but I need to do more homework on this.

As for me, I've been in to photography for just over 34 years with SLR; moved to digital in 2004. I predominantly shoot landscape and nature, with a bit of street and architectural. I don't shoot commercially, by that I mean I'm just a hobbyist.

I currently live in Saudi, but spend my time between Saudi and UK.

I guess that's about it.
Welcome here.

I hope you are able to decide which H series camera fits your needs best.

Our H section could be of interest to help you make up your mind.

Forum moderator.

Thank you ... I am doing a lot of reading on here and elsewhere, wherever I can to get up to speed.

I have a very long list of questions, which I will start to ask once I've done a bit more reading; unfortunately, the more I read, the more questions I start to have.

Thank you for the input :)

Would you be kind enough to elaborate on that; how would the V system and Phase One / CFV be better for my needs? Not that I'm disputing what you're saying, I haven't a clue on this, but I'd like to learn.

On a different note, are you by any chance the same Ed Bray on that wild :z04_TUjXSMUS: TP forum ?

Thank you for the input :)

Would you be kind enough to elaborate on that; how would the V system and Phase One / CFV be better for my needs? Not that I'm disputing what you're saying, I haven't a clue on this, but I'd like to learn.

The V system is predominantly 6x6cm square, you can use film or digital, the nice thing about the phase one digital backs is that you can rotate them (not sure if you can do that with the CFV) and get an upright format 6x4.5ish or a landscape 6x4.5ish and still use the camera as it was designed to be used, whereas to get a upright image with the H series you have to use a prism and rotate the camera body.

There are a vast range of bodies, lenses and accessories available for the V system and some at quite bargain prices.

On a different note, are you by any chance the same Ed Bray on that wild :z04_TUjXSMUS: TP forum ?

Might be

You will enjoy whichever way you decide to go!