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Hi, from Paris

Benoit Petot

New Member
I've been a "voyeur" for a few days. It's time to say hello.

I've used hassy since 72, first borrowing my father's one aside my rolleis and Linhof. Then, since the begining of the 90s, I shared my time between the M6 & my inherited 500C/M.

For one year, I've almost used only a Leica M9. Its sensor and lenses permitting to print 13*17 at the same level of quality than with a 6*6 neg. Without the weight and with an easy color processing.

And, I'm back. I'm missing the steadiness of my old stuff. I've completed by lens set (with a 40, 60 & 100), everything has been rehauled by "les Victors" and I'm souping again (Rollei 25ASA Ultra & TriX).

Next step will be the Cfv50, but a little marital negociation is required first.

Cordialement, Benoît?
Bienvenue sur Hasselbladinfo.

1.5 years ago hesitate between M9 and CFV-39. As I got a second hand opportunty I baught the CFV. And use film for M. Hard to justify a M9 + CFV for my production.