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Help with battery recognition on H4D


New Member
My H4D will not recognize my 2 3200 batteries but does recognize my 1850. My H3D on the other hand, will recognize both batteries. I have tried the battery reset with no result. Any ideas?
That's a new one to me; I've not heard of such a problem before. Had the H4D been working with the 3200 batteries previously?
That's a new one to me; I've not heard of such a problem before. Had the H4D been working with the 3200 batteries previously?
I didn't explain that well. The batteries work fine as to providing power, but there is no battery status with them when you press and hold the button, it just gives firmware info instead of battery status. Shows the status fine with the 1850 batteries. I am using the latest firmware.
My H4D will not recognize my 2 3200 batteries but does recognize my 1850. My H3D on the other hand, will recognize both batteries. I have tried the battery reset with no result. Any ideas?
My H4D will not recognize my 2 3200 batteries but does recognize my 1850. My H3D on the other hand, will recognize both batteries. I have tried the battery reset with no result. Any ideas?
I have a H4D-40 and have two batteries. Was happy to see that the 3200 battery was introduced. But when I took a closer look at the contacts on battery and where battery attaches to body, the contacts didn't line up. I read on one forum that I'd have to have at least a H5D model for the new batteries to work. So I'm stuck buying used older model batteries that came with the unit on Ebay. This is only what I've learned but I may be wrong. Phil