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Help: accidently closed aperture blades


New Member
Well thats being polite. I have a 3.5/60mm Distagon lens and I triggered closed the aperture blades by turning a grub screw on the rear of the lens. Very stupid. But I was trying to discover why the lens would not focus to infinity. That's another problem. Anyway, I'm hoping someone on the forum might be a good deal smarter than me and explain how to reverse my misdead. Let me know if you need more details. Thanks in advance.
Yes when it's loked you can put the lens on the body. To fire the lens you have to pull the little pin close to this.
Yes when it's loked you can put the lens on the body. To fire the lens you have to pull the little pin close to this.
That pin is next to impossible to 'grab'. Maybe I should say too that the lens"shut down" only after I turned that screw. Had I not touched it, it would all be working nicely still. Are you saying though that if I could pull that 'pin', it would release the blades again? If so, just wondering what is the need function of the screw. I thought I read somewhere that certain cameras are able to operate the lens in that mode/condition and others aren't. But I'm not sure about that. All I know is that pin is very difficult to pull.