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New Member
Hello everybody!

I'm a new member of your comunity, not english mother toungue as you can see...

I've just started shooting around with an Hasselblad SWC, and it is such a pleasure to hold it in my hands...

The first roll of dia (Velvia) has just been developed.... not a great result, but enough to make me want to keep on trying.

It's my first experience with a medium format camera and I think I've a long way to go to take out all the best from it.

It's funny to think at stuff like external exposimeter and Hyperfocal when everybody else is shooting around with digital point and shot cameras...

Thank you for accepting me in your comunity!

Luca (Italy)
Welcome here Luca.

What are the problems you are having?
Do not be shy and show us some results if you have a chance to scan the images.
Hasselblad info users are here to help you.
The SWC is an extraordinairy camera that needs practise.
The camera can be used handheld provided you do not use slow shutter speeds, that is below 1/30 s.

Forum moderator.
thank you polypal!

the main problem I have to solve is focusing: the hyper-focal technique obviously helps a lot but, shooting with velvia handheld, often you do not have so much depth of field...

Another problem of mine is metering: I use a sekonik L-308S and, as I read the incident light of the main subject it often comes out the the highlights are too bright (the sky normally is a lot over exposed).

So my problems are just focusing and metering... is there anything else in photography?
the main problem I have to solve is focusing: the hyper-focal technique obviously helps a lot but, shooting with velvia handheld, often you do not have so much depth of field...

So my problems are just focusing and metering... is there anything else in photography?

Not much depth of field?
At F5.6 using hyperfocal you have a range from 2m till infinity!

Yes there are other things to consider like composition and framing........

Light meters are calibrated with a grey reflection card giving 18% reflection.
Take a reading in a snow covered landscape and the meter refers to that as a grey area underexposing the film.
Try to take images of a burned building with lots of black areas and the meter again thinks this is all grey giving overexposed images.
Compensating 1-2 stops will avoid this problem.
You might consider shooting negative film until you are completely used to the SWC. Only then add the complication of more tricky slide film exposure.

Thanks Wilko, I think it's a good idea to shoot some negatives. Would you suggest a good bw negative? I love details and hate grain....
Thanks Wilko, I think it's a good idea to shoot some negatives. Would you suggest a good bw negative? I love details and hate grain....

No grain? Sure.... Efke25.. Only 25ASA so a tripod is essential. Efke50 also works of course. Something a bit faster: Ilford Delta100

Just one weird thing to keep in mind: the film really needs loading in subdued light as the backing paper is not fully opaque to direct sunlight (silly if you ask me but ok..)
