Medium Format Forum

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Hello from Perth WA

John G

New Member
Just found this forum and had to join.
My medium format gear is:
Rollei 6008 system and a Hasselblad Xpan II

I started out in medium format with a Rolleiflex T tlr and progressed to abetter one but can't remember which one it was probably a 2.8E. Then bought the SLX II when it came out with most of the lenses. I eventually sold it and got a 6008 professional with PQ lenses, I also have two Rollei P66S projectors and lenses which were used for AV shows (dissolve projection).

A local camera store persuaded me to but the Xpan II complete with 45 & 90mm lenses which I really like using for landscape, however I haven't found the 30mm at a reasonable price yet!.

I still have a traditional darkroom but use a Nikon Coolscan 8000 to get images into the computer.

Looking forward to hearing from other members hopefully some from this remote part of the world.
