I confess to having sent my entire, much loved, Hasselblad V system with two 503CWs, CF lenses from 40 to 180mm to ffordes! I waited for an affordable bigger-than-16MP digital back and when it arrived on the market at last, I realized that I would have to sell my Hasselblad gear to buy it - which would have been pointless. So I now have a Canon EOS 5D MkII, with 16-35mm and 70-200mm zoom lenses, 100mm macro, etc, etc. If I couldn't have Zeiss I was prepared to settle for Canon. It's as heavy as the Hasselblad, but a lot more versatile (for an amateur like me, at any rate). Incidentally, I tried using a Hasselblad 150mm Sonnar on the Canon via an adapter and the performance is superb, as you would expect. So, rather sadly, I have defected. However, unless I am banned from this forum for this unspeakable behaviour, I shall continue to follow the discussions with great interest.
I confess to having sent my entire, much loved, Hasselblad V system with two 503CWs, CF lenses from 40 to 180mm to ffordes! I waited for an affordable bigger-than-16MP digital back and when it arrived on the market at last, I realized that I would have to sell my Hasselblad gear to buy it - which would have been pointless. So I now have a Canon EOS 5D MkII, with 16-35mm and 70-200mm zoom lenses, 100mm macro, etc, etc. If I couldn't have Zeiss I was prepared to settle for Canon. It's as heavy as the Hasselblad, but a lot more versatile (for an amateur like me, at any rate). Incidentally, I tried using a Hasselblad 150mm Sonnar on the Canon via an adapter and the performance is superb, as you would expect. So, rather sadly, I have defected. However, unless I am banned from this forum for this unspeakable behaviour, I shall continue to follow the discussions with great interest.