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Hello and 'Good Light' from Austria

Walter Ulreich

New Member
Dear Hasselblad Forum,

about 2000 I swapped my Mamiya RB 67 with two lenses and two early Linhof Colour equipment’s for a long dreamed-of Hasselblad. It became a nearly mint 503 CXi from 1995 with an old-fashioned C Planar 2.8/80 T* from 1980. Beneath my Canon F1 gear I used the Hassy quite regularly and added time by time a Sonnar CF 4.0/150, CW Winder and PM45 prism. Thus the light and elegant 503 CXi became an impressive but heavy machine and I used it less and less. After some time extensive experimenting with Canon 7s, Contax IIa, Nikon S2 and early Nikon F’s I remembered my Hassy again. Stripped it down to its pure form and enjoyed again to use it.

Lately I became careless and bought a very nice 500 C body from 1957, immediately I am in Hasselblad GAS again. This acquisition is also my reason for joining this forum, to get some information on early Hasselblad 500 C.

With kind regards from Austria,