I just discovered this site and wow!
I gave up digital in 2019, just in time to build a darkroom during the Pandemic. Mostly medium format with a Blad 500 c/m and a SWC far and away my favs.
I have a 907x 50c to travel internationally (film security is a drag) and as a back to my Blads.
I shoot and develop B&W, color, and slide. I scan digitally: wet printing is just a bridge too far right now. Although I'm 77, I still work full time.
I gravitate toward landscape, but need to get back to macro. Interested in tilt without much experience or knowledge.
I'm writing a book with another historian about cemeteries and we're using our own photographs. First time for that.
Anyway, looking forward to learning a lot.
I gave up digital in 2019, just in time to build a darkroom during the Pandemic. Mostly medium format with a Blad 500 c/m and a SWC far and away my favs.
I have a 907x 50c to travel internationally (film security is a drag) and as a back to my Blads.
I shoot and develop B&W, color, and slide. I scan digitally: wet printing is just a bridge too far right now. Although I'm 77, I still work full time.
I gravitate toward landscape, but need to get back to macro. Interested in tilt without much experience or knowledge.
I'm writing a book with another historian about cemeteries and we're using our own photographs. First time for that.
Anyway, looking forward to learning a lot.