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Hasselblad jammed


New Member
  • Hi Guys, My 500CM has decided to jam up. Tried nearly all the video tutorials online and can't find my particular fault. Fired and wound on perfectly normally 2 or 3 times then jammed. Shutter in lens is closed but I think not fired, auxiliary shutter is fully open and camera will not wind on, lens shutter will not fire. Only the back that was on it at the time will go on as the rectangular pin at bottom right of camera body is protruding and will not go back in. There was no film loaded as I was just keeping everything moving as I was advised to do when a camera was not used very much. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Dale.
Can you take the lens off? If not cock the shutter and take the lens off. Do you have the Hasselblad tool for cocking the shutter? You can use a screw driver, but that is super dangerous, just ask my wife who put a screw driver into the back element of her 120mm Macro lens. In other words be careful! Look through the barn doors, at the bottom of the lens mount you will see the leaver to cock the shutter. Once the lens is off things might start working better. Best of luck!
A 40mm distagon lens shutter died on my 500cm last year. Same description as you.

I had to go in through the back of the barn doors and loosen the lens mount screw, which is under a cover, to remove the lens.
Nothing else would work to get the lens off.

After I removed the lens, I verified that it was a jammed shutter. So very sad

I replaced the lens via a German shop on fleabay that didn’t mind doing the myriad of paperwork for selling and shipping one in better shape to the u.s.

Now I’m waiting to see if I can get the original one repaired. It’s right now at the second shop after the first tech couldn’t open the lens.
Thanks Deon, no, I can't remove lens as shutter not fired, will have to cock shutter with a screwdriver, very carefully. Thanks to dadaist too. Hasselblad woes eh. Dale.
screwdriver slips can be handled if you don't put so much force on the screw with the tool.
But saying that, you would be better off just buying the tool and keeping it in your bag, ready for use. Each end of the tool has a different size 'straight' screwdriver 'bit' within a round surround that minimizes slippage.
That, as when you have a Hasselblad, you will use that tool more than you would ever imagine.
look on fleabay or amazon. or buy one from a local shop.
its $20 on amazon..cheapest I see. they cost more on fleabay, but come from china < don't think you want to wait for shipping from china..
on the big A, search for item # B0CVTN74MT
Its title there is >

Camera Repair Tool - CameraKey for Hasselblad Camera​

Hi Guys, I've managed to open the shutter with a small screwdriver but the mirror is still up and the auxiliary shutter blinds are still open. Is it ok to remove lens, I don't want to have a mounting shaft issue. The problem is with having anything repaired is that I live in the UK and nearly all the repairers have gone. I would like to get it working but I hardly use it.
I'm no expert, but I have taken apart my Hasselblad a few times with great success. I recommend removing the lens and film magazine. Then try to actuate the camera, this might free things up, or allow you to see what's wrong. Hopefully this will allow the camera to be advanced, make sure to set everything correctly before putting the film magazine and lens back on. Make sure the lens (cocked and open) and back are set and ready to go (best with an empty magazine so you can advance everything without wasting film). I hope nothing is broken, so you can get back to using the camera soon.
Thanks Deon I will do that. If you have to take the body apart, I read somewhere that there are two springs which may jump out, and they are difficult to re-locate. I'd be interested to hear about your experiences with this. Once again thanks, Dale
I would watch a few videos if the camera is still jammed. Yes! there are springs that are NOT held in by anything and can fall out depending on orientation of the camera when taken apart. Same with an A-12 if you're going to replace the felt. Important to follow the steps and have a clean well lit space so if/when a screw/part falls out you know where it went. The last time I jammed my 501 C/M, I handed it to my wife and she handed it back a few minutes later working just fine, using just the Hasselblad tool.
Hi Dale. The Hasselblad camera repair guy you might need in the UK
is Jeff at Classic V. He is great and has spares. Looked after my cameras and lens for years.
Good luck. Steve.
Thanks Steve if I need to that will be my first port of call. To Deon, removed lens today auxiliary shutter fired several times the froze again. Can free it again by tweaking the little round metal knob that you can see in front of body. It has a tiny rectangular piece in middle, I think it cocks the lens. So I don't think it is something broken in the camera because I can get it working. Must thank you for your advice, Dale