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Hasselblad Flextight


New Member
Hi All,

I need more info about Hasselblad Flextight, i do read the brochures, but i need to be convinced if flextight can scan negative color without any trouble.

Does anyone has the picture result .

Thanks Anyway

Scanning is never without any trouble.
It is a much underestimated craft that could do with some improved status.
Hasselblad can provide a series of 7 video tutorials for the use of the scanners with FlexColor. Excellent training material, IMO.

Image quality is exceptional.

Negative film scanning on Flextight X5

Can anyone display results of negative film (color or BW) scanning on Flextight X5 please? I need to make a quick decision whether to purchase X5 or a used Heidelberg NexScan. Thanks for any help. :)

Can anyone display results of negative film (color or BW) scanning on Flextight X5 please? I need to make a quick decision whether to purchase X5 or a used Heidelberg NexScan. Thanks for any help. :)


The 949/X5 is excellent. Do not know how it compares to the other scanner you are considering.

The Hasselblad is very, very fast, easy to use, requires no special prep, keeps the film flat, provides a true 4.9 D-Max to see into the shadows and still hold the highlights, can batch scan and offers production attachments to do higher volume workflows. It is built like a battle tank and takes up very little desk-top space due to its upright design.

The 949/X5 is different from other scanners like the Imacon 646 or 848 or Nikons in that it uses a special diffused light source that produces results similar in look and feel to an analog darkroom enlarger.

Here's a quick example of a difficult lighting scenaro that medium format digital back would tend to struggle with ... a higher contrast film shot in back-lit conditions with strong dappled light striking the subjects who are wearing some black, black hair, velvet black dog muzzle, and shiny black purse.

The 949 sees into the inky shadows yet holds the highlights effortlessly

Hasselblad H2F with a HC 50mm lens shooting Tri-X:


  • H2F-13.jpg
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  • H2F-13.jpg
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Comparing scanners

Comparing the IQ of scanners takes more than just a few quick scans from material unknown.
Test charts as well as images need to be scanned to see what actually rests from claims like resolution etc.

If funds are available and top quality is wanted there is no doubt Flextight scanners are the right choice.
Can anyone display results of negative film (color or BW) scanning on Flextight X5 please? I need to make a quick decision whether to purchase X5 or a used Heidelberg NexScan. Thanks for any help. :)


I am a bit puzzled by "quick decision" here? You are talking serious money to be spent, so I would assume a thorough investigation is called for?

I am a bit puzzled by "quick decision" here? You are talking serious money to be spent, so I would assume a thorough investigation is called for?


I have not much time to take advantage of the special discounted price (trade in program) for X5 which will end this month. I used Linotype Hell TANGO drum scanner which probably has reached its end of life... My option is to go for X5 or take over another TANGO unit (used one) that my friend is offering me. TANGO scans color/bw negatives 16-bit quite well using Silverfast. And it's great for batch scanning. However, I'm also up for new technology in X5... Just curious and making sure I'd be making the right decision especially for color/bw negative scanning which I do quite a lot. For sure I will lose the ability to scan large photoprints with X5, but I think I can live with that shortcoming.

